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Monday 21 November 2011

Conventations of a double page spread

  • all the text on the spread is in columns, this has been done so it doesn't look messy and all over the place
  • the main picture dominates the two pages, the picture tells the consumer what the double page spread is about
  • the text that has been used for the articles is very small, this is so they can fit all of the information that they want to put in the magazine
  • pictures have a caption which anchors the consumer, anchoring the consumer is tell them what the meaning of the picture is and what it has to do with the page
  • quotations are often extracted and put in bigger font type, this tells the consumer that it is an important part of the interview
  • drop capitals are often used at the start of the article or paragraph, they tell the consumer what the beginning of the paragraph starts with
  • Each article has a title which tells the consumer what the article is going to be about, normally it is anchored in with the main photograph
  • standfirst paragraphs tell the consumer what the article is going to be about, it is normally underneath the title
  • photos may be in a frame or without a frame, if they have a frame it is normally a square and has a coloured background but without a frame, normally is a artist or a band standing looking at the camera without a background
  • the colour scheme of the double page spread normally follows the colour scheme of the whole magazine, it is normally 3 to 4 colours so it doesn't look to childish and it looks more for adults

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