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Thursday 24 November 2011

Publication Plan

Title:      Solos

Positioning Statement:  Bring.The.Indie.To.You
Frequency of publication: Monthly

Price: £1.95
Distribution: Newsagents, supermarkets, music shops, concerts are relevent to the magazine

Rationale: 'Solos' focuses on showing the consumer what upcoming artists have been up to, and have interviews each month of what the consumer whats to read about, it have also have what gigs have just been played and how they went, good or bad.

Style: The style of the magazine will be modern and will be ranged at the 16-25 age group, there will be serious points about bands but also have a humour and lighthearted side to upcoming artists, the language will be very formal and not 'slang' because the age group is an older, more senisble age. the style of music I will be focusing on will be indie rock as the bands play solos in the songs, which is the name of the magazine, so it allows the reader to know what the magazine it is about. It will not include dubstep or heavy rock music as it isn't the kind of music that will go with the magazine.
Regular Content:
  • Editors letter
  • Upcoming artists
  • Best buys with albums
  • An interview with a band or singer
  • Festival news
  • What to listen too and not to listen too
  • Photographs of the best groups around
  • A quick look at next weeks magazine
Feature Content:
  • Interviw with the 'Tightlines', a new upcoming band
  • How to prepare for the best festival in the UK 'leeds'
  • What instument should you learn to play?
  • What muse think of the magazine
  • Article on upcoming artists
  • Photographs from the 'Kings of leon' tour
House Style:
Coverlines: Arial
Headlines: Gills Sans Ultra Bold (14 pt)
Standfirst: Berlin Sans FB 914 pt)
Captions: Harlow Solid Italic ( 18 pt)Body text: Times new roman (14 pt)
Colour scheme: Black, red and white

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